Please Take This Short Survey

The purpose of this survey is to determine if the majority of residents, who frequent the pool, want to have piped in music at the pool. We currently do not have the equipment to pipe the music, but before The Board goes through the exercise of determining what is needed and what the cost is, we would like to know if the majority of residents who go to the pool really want it.

If you take this survey multiple times your last one will only be counted.


First Name: (Req)   Last Name: (Req)
House Number: (Req)   Street: (Req)

Are you in favor of piped in music at the pool? (Select One)
  No Opinion
How often do you go to the pool? (Select One)
  Less Than One Time Per Week
  One to three times per week
  More than three times per week

Fill in the answer: 16 + 01 =